Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Party

Hello Dearies,
The Halloween party on Saturday night went great! The guests were Dagwood, Wayne, Eddie, Hagface, Lily, Bailey the faun and Pig and Rat.
Wayne dressed as a Bog-Marsh costume, Eddie was a vampire, Hagface was a zombie, Lily a pirate, Bailey a mage, Dagwood wore a pink unicorn-blue dragon costume, Pig was an orc and Rat was a goblin.
And of course Stupidman was the merman and I was a druid with flowers. I looked very pretty.
I served my guests creepy treats, apple cider, pies and cupcakes and candy.
We bobbed for apples, except for Pig and Rat. Stupidman wouldn't come up for air because he thinks mermen can breath underwater. I had to tell him he's not really a merman but just an idiot. He does this every year. He really gets into his costume and thinks it's real.
Mr Rat, Mr Pig and Stupidman thought they heard rustling in the bushes and went outside to take it down.
Stupidman finally got over his fear of the decorations. Now he likes them and doesn't want to take them down!
It was a good party but I had to clean up the whole mess the next day by myself because Stupidman was still asleep.



  1. Góðan daginn Granny (Rose Bush)! Thanks for the fun times Granny and Stupidman!

    -I'm a man faerie!

  2. Next time you should invite me loser. Or at least send over the treats.
    later loser,
    tanktop Tammy
