Hello Dearies,
I am having a Halloween party this Saturday night.
I have invited Dagwood, Eddie, Wayne, Bailey, Hagface, Lily, Pig and Rat.
Stupidman is carving the pumpkins. I hope he doesn't cut off his fingers.
I am baking all the cupcakes and pumpkin cakes and making all the decorations. I want the house to look creepy but Stupidman keeps getting scared of the plastic spiders and bats and keeps hitting at them and pulling them down. I keep telling him they are fake but he won't believe me. Idiot.
I am also making potions! But Stupidman tried to drink them. Thankfully the potions are harmless and are just filled with Canada Dry with food colouring.
Stupidman wants to go trick or treating too.
I am going to dress up as a druid with flowers. I will look very pretty. Stupidman is going to be a merman. I made him the costume. It looks very nice.
Stupidman was sad I drained the pool because he wanted to swim around in it and test out the costume.
Also I have won the Prolific Blogger award!
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